Saturday, May 13, 2006

Da party of the term

WooHoo! What a party! was so fun that I left my jeans at eve's place.......yes, you read it right! *it is now in Ah Ma's custody* ...Most of us were there....and for those who were not, feast your eyes on this! *reaches for photos and throws them in the air* Muahahaha!.............Black Halo member,must be bad comes the bawh-ring part....scroll down for the pictures....Don't say I didn't warn you. *cough,cough....starts with the droning voice of the narrator I heard from the Da Vinci Code documentary in Eve's place* ...We (Ashlee, Chrystal, May, Shawn and me) arrived at Eve's place early to watch 'Pythagoras Switch' *pi-ta-go-ra su-wi-cchi!* which is a
japanese educational programme for kids......then watched Shawn bash it out on Guitar Hero....then came the onions.....wah.....nearly everyone cried while watching Shawn play.....Then came Jimbo (and Ferfie) ...Eve's friends....Sam Goh, Juliana, Chris, William, Geri, Ben Cheong, Jon, Ethan and Cal......did I miss anyone?......We prepared stuff and watched Shawn play Jak3 while waiting for the rain to stop.....and when it did....the party started!


Kissital......doin da mouth action

Everyone watchin Shawn doing his thing in......Jak3!

....the ingredients...

And with the sound system ready..........


James and William gettin' their groove on

Geraldine lookin sweet and cute *Sam Goh: NOOOOOOO!*

candid shot of May

yes....william is trying to balance a paper cup on his head

both Ashlei and Geri lookin 'yeng' *Sam this onli correct ma...*

This picture has the word' F.U.N.T' written all over..........hehe

Chrystal, Juliana and Ashlei........enjoying the air and view outside

Sher Win at the BBQ pit

Jimbo lookin' a cucumber

Wah! A NEW Loreal photoshop...

..............................THE PICS GOT MESSED UP AGAIN!!!!!!!!!..........I'll just have to play 'Mix and Match'......match the text to the pic.......isn't my blog so interactive?.......Now we shall continue it....with FOOD!! *imagines Samantha drooling*..

Sifu's konyaku jelly was a big hit !

Eve's pasta salad and May's ever famous co-les-law....

Mmmmm.....doesn't that look good......and the kebabs....

This is a must.......if William's at ur party

Roasting marshmallows......there's nuthin' better than this

So...we have come to the end of the post...I hope tat entertained you. =p I would like to apologise for the messy post and I would like to thank Eve for organising the party, May for the photos and co-les-law, Sher Win for the kebabs and the ride, and all of you guys for being me punya friend.... *salutes*


JT Yean said...

i noticed sumthin....there's not even one pic of Eve, Jon or Ben....

Chrystal Giam said...

GAH! My face looks swollen up!! NooOOOOoooo.. haha... everyone had a fun time eh?

Eve said...

LoL I was about to say that JT xD sad kes *sob* *sob*
May! I know you purposely didn't take any pictures of me *bawls*

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