Sunday, October 08, 2006


Its been awhile since I've blogged.....bla, bla, bla.......I'll just get straight to the point.
I've got my new pc!!! Yes!! After months of waiting....IT'S FINALLY HERE!!.....Now to get a new graphic tablet to go with it! Muahahaha!Now, I can blog like 24/7, and more importantly, there will be no more fighting over the computer with my other two siblings, no more waiting! Its all MINE!!! haha.......

William helped with the set-up...haha, thanx again Will, and we installed some games like 'Black n White2' but we couldn't install 'Oblivion'......*sigh*nevermind, we try again later, ok will?....haha. Now you guys are welcomed to come over anytime to use my baby " Flint"....*'s the pc's name*. But no Adobe photoshop and Illus yet wor....I've to leech from you guys first...hehe. So thats all for this very short post! hehe *goes back and hugs Flint*


Shazz said...


ThePinkRabbit said...

*jealous green monster comes out of hiding*

JT Yean said...

*zaps green monster*....haha

Anonymous said...

... you guys are crazy... naming everything you have =.=

Shazz said...

Actually... I recently named my computer too... HIS NAME IS 'JIGGA-WATTS'~ *Whoop!~ Whoop!~* *Hail and bow down to 'JIGGA-WATTS' Ahaaa~ :D

JT Yean said...

Ah! Mr.JIGGA WATTS!!haha....

Invi said...

Ooo... Flinto! I called mine the KYESYSTEM, hahaha!

Royce Tan said...

I* LOVE * FLINT! muahx! marry me flint. lol.

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