(ANNOUNCEMENT:I need a title for this series...any suggestions?)
Somewhere in front of TOA.....an innocent soul walks with haste. It was already late....and the streets are always dangerous....she then stops........
May: MY CAR EH !? *shocking disbelief*
She panicks....she knew it.....these were one of those days where nothing goes right....she will never trust the TOA parking lot ever again.In desperation, she looks around for her one and only car, Mr.Kancil, at the same time thinking about what she'll do to the @%!#*& who stole her car....then suddenly, something came from behind....
Ashlei: May! What doing you?
May:Ashlei! My car gone already!!
Ashlei:!.........its over there la... *points to car that kena saman*
May:phew.....i thought kena stole already
Ashlei: Ceh wah....won't wan la.....faster la, we late already.I need to get back home fast...

*imagine this picture with a night scene...*
Both girls got in the car and that was when it happened.......
At the crime scene....
JT:Seems like kidnap, a victim saw a black figure driving Kai Ma and Ah Ma's car away......
Chin Hou:We checked the tyres marks......
JT:I can confirm that *loyal passenger of Kai Ma*
Shawn:Find anything else?
Chin Hou:......Not much........!....Cal, why are you still here!?
Cal:Some frickin' %$@#!^ stole my Comel!! Now I can't get home.....
JT:James! You're here too!
James:Ferfie!......gone......! *sobs*
Chin Hou:Calm down..... *hands James and Cal a cup of Milo....*
JT:Wow....three in one night.....I got a feeling that these 3 cases must all be related....
Shawn:....hmmm.....its not simple......and there are no obvious leads.......this is strange..... *faces James and Cal* can you guys think of anyone who would do this to you? Anybody who you think will do you harm?.....
Suddenly Kenneth pops out from nowhere..
Kenneth: Yes, must be him!
Shawn:Ok....Chin Hou, put Victor into our list of suspects.....I have to arrange a meeting session to inform John Chan* about May's sudden dissapearance....
*May's fictional boyfriend
The Confrontation (Day 2)
Suspect 1-John Chan
Chin Hou: John, we are really sorry about May's sudden dissapearance.....we've got people working round the clock to locate her.....and Ashlei
John Chan:.....................
Chin Hou:You OK?.....
John Chan:....................
Chin Hou:...........John?
John Chan:.....................
Chin Hou:*gets ready his fireball* OI! I TALKING TO YOU AH!!!!!
John Chan:....................
JT:I thinks he's traumatised.......Let's give him a moment..... *leaves the room with Chin Hou*
John Chan:....................
Suspect 2-Victor
Shawn:Victor, Victor, Victor.........We've heard a lot about you....
Victor:About what?
Shawn:.........You, my friend, have been stalking nearly every guy in TOA.....
Victor:.........I don't stalk! Who said that I have been stalking anyway?
Shawn:*cough,cough* I am sorry but we are not to reveal their identities *looks at James and Kenneth*.....its confidential
Victor: You don't have any evidence for that!!
Shawn: Oh sure we do.......we got a warrant to search your house and we found this poster stuck in your room!!!
(scroll down slowly for maximum.......ummm.....impact)

Everyone*: *gasps*
Kenneth:*phew*.........Lucky mine dun have....
James:..........*lost for words.....immediately left the building with jaws open*
Victor: Ah.....give it back!!!
Shawn:Not so fast......answer my question first....did you steal James' Ferfie......did you!?....and is that lipstick stain .....yours?
Victor:...........OK, OK....I did it!
Shawn:Then where are the girls?
Victor:What girls !?
Shawn: Don't play with me.....where are they!?
Victor:I dunno!*waves hands*
*this includes everyone from shidio fai fai wan...
All of a sudden Chin Hou stands up with a glint in his eye and points at John Chan...
Chin Hou: He did it!..... he's hiding May and Ashlei in TOA itself!!
John Chan:................Its impossible! You couldn't have known.....you couldn't!! I planned the perfect plan!!! This cannot be happening......You're supposed to be putting Victor in jail! He's supposed to be framed for the whole thing and I will be able to get away with it! Do you have any idea on how hard endure Victor, gain his trust and persuade him to steal James' Terrano! And how hard it was to drug the Ke-ai group so that they would steal Cal's Comel!? (see the connection?....Ke-ai = Comel....now imagine the three girls on Cal's Comel....yeeha!).But you've got one thing wrong! I didn't hide the girls in TOA, instead I hid the girls in my SECRET LAB in Bemantha's Lair!!!!
Chin Hou:......Har?.......Really ar?.......I tembak onli wor.......
Everyone: *sweat*
John Chan:.......................................... *received too much shock*
Security came and John Chan was put behind bars, he shares the same cell with Bemantha....May and Ashlei were found in John Chan's SECRET LAB and are now safe and sound......
Victor was released of all charges and immediately resumed stalking the juniors...
And these were John Chan's last words....
John Chan:..........................................
END of episode 2....
(*NOTE:All characters and storyline is fictional.I apologise if I hurt anyone in anyway with this content.The content is meant for entertainment purposes only. p.s.James.....pls dun kill me....)
storyline longer la..so short..
but funny though..
conclusion came too soon..
overall,7 1/2..good..
John Chan is cool!
hahahahaa...this is funny too wat...i liked the poster of james...HAHAHHAH...
i give it a 9 for creativity~!!!
and 5 for the photoshop skills...hahaha...u can do better lipstick marks than that, jt...
This is like my Number ONE ranked site for entertainment!!! hehe..
i bet Victor kisses closer to James' face IF he had a mega life size one of him.. ;)
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